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Data democratization

6 tips to make data democratization a reality

Do you want to empower people in your organization to make data-driven decisions? Look no further, because data democratization is here to save the day! In this blog post, we're going to give you six tips to help make data democratization a reality in your organization. From fostering a data-driven culture to providing access to data, we've got you covered. And don't worry, we've got some stats to back up our tips - because who doesn't love a good statistic? So, let's get started on the journey toward data democracy!


Start with a clear vision: 


Define the goals and objectives of the data democratization initiative. This will help align everyone in the organization around a common vision and ensure everyone is working towards the same goal.


According to a survey conducted by NewVantage Partners, 72% of companies report that they have achieved measurable results from their data democratization efforts.


In addition to defining a clear vision, it's important to identify the key stakeholders who will be involved in the data democratization initiative. This may include executive sponsors, data analysts, IT professionals, and business leaders. By involving key stakeholders early on, you can ensure that everyone is aligned around the common goal of democratizing data.


Foster a data-driven culture: 


Create a culture that values data and encourages the use of data to inform decision-making. This includes providing training and resources to help employees develop their data literacy skills and promoting the use of data in everyday work.


According to a report by McKinsey, companies with a solid data-driven culture are twice as likely to achieve above-average financial performance.


To foster a data-driven culture, it's important to provide ongoing training and support to employees. This may include providing access to online training resources, hosting data literacy workshops, and providing mentorship and coaching to employees who are new to data analysis. In addition, it's important to recognize and reward employees who demonstrate a commitment to using data to inform decision-making.


Provide access to data: 


Make data accessible to everyone in the organization, regardless of their level of technical expertise. This includes providing self-service analytics tools that allow non-technical users to access and analyze data independently.


According to a survey conducted by MicroStrategy, 55% of companies report that they have made progress toward providing self-service analytics capabilities to their employees.


In addition to providing self-service analytics tools, it's important to ensure that the data is accessible in a user-friendly format. This may involve developing dashboards and visualizations that allow users to quickly and easily understand the data. In addition, it's important to provide access to data promptly, so that users can make decisions based on current information.


Ensure data quality: 


Establish processes and standards for data quality, to ensure that the data is accurate, complete, and reliable. This includes establishing data governance policies and procedures and providing training and resources to help employees understand and adhere to these policies.


According to a survey conducted by IDC, poor data quality costs organizations an average of $15 million per year.


To ensure data quality, it's important to establish clear data governance policies and procedures. This may involve creating a data dictionary that defines the meaning and structure of data elements, establishing data validation rules to ensure data accuracy, and defining data depuration policies to ensure that data is archived and deleted on time. In addition, it's important to regularly audit the data to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.


Monitor and measure progress: 


Establish metrics and KPIs to measure the success of the data democratization initiative. This includes tracking adoption rates, usage patterns, and the impact of data-driven decisions on business outcomes.


According to a survey conducted by TDWI, 63% of companies report that they track the adoption and usage of their self-service analytics tools.


To monitor and measure progress, it's important to establish clear metrics and KPIs. This may involve tracking the number of users who are accessing the data, the frequency with which the data is being used, and the impact of data-driven decisions on key business outcomes. In addition, it's important to regularly communicate the progress of the data democratization initiative to stakeholders throughout the organization.


Continuously iterate and improve: 


Data democratization is an ongoing process requiring continuous iteration and improvement. Solicit feedback from employees and stakeholders, and use this feedback to improve processes, tools, and resources.


According to a report by Gartner, by 2023, 90% of data and analytics initiatives will be viewed as failures because of the lack of business adoption, not because of technical issues.


To monitor and measure progress, it's important to establish clear metrics and KPIs. This may involve tracking the number of users who are accessing the data, the frequency with which the data is being used, and the impact of data-driven decisions on key business outcomes. In addition, it's important to regularly communicate the progress of the data democratization initiative to stakeholders throughout the organization.



In conclusion, data democratization is a critical step for organizations looking to harness the full potential of their data and make data-driven decisions at all levels. By following the six tips outlined above, organizations can create a culture that values data, provides access to data for all users, ensures data quality, and measures progress toward data democratization goals.


If you're looking for a platform to help you implement these tips and make data democratization a reality in your organization, look no further than our platform. With our user-friendly self-service analytics tools, clear data governance policies, ongoing training and support, and robust tracking and monitoring capabilities, our platform can help you achieve measurable results from your data democratization efforts.


Don't wait any longer to unlock the power of your data. Contact us today to learn more about our platform and how it can help you make data democratization a reality in your organization.